RF's Financial News

RF's Financial News

Sunday, February 16, 2014

This Week in Barrons - 2-16-2014

This Week in Barrons – 2-16-2014

“Somethin’s coming – Somethin’…” … West Side Story

This week something happened that was quite remarkable.  Despite Janet Yellen telling Congress that the Fed was going to continue its tapering, the market gave her a big pass because she said: "If the data were to turn unfavorable, then of course there would be reason to pause the taper.”

Okay, so what's that mean?  When the Fed first tapered, did the data really suggest a good strong recovery?  NO.
-       Mortgage applications were crashing,
-       Housing sales were falling like a rock,
-       An unimaginable amount of people were opting out of the job market,
-       And Obama-care was causing countless issues.

Then in January, when the Fed tapered again – did the data suggest a good strong recovery?  NO.
-       Jobs data was still horrible,
-       The market was still falling,
-       Retail sales showed a decrease of 0.4%,
-       Companies were reporting sketchy (at best) earnings,
-       And many economists were warning of slowing GDP growth,
-       Barclays announced that they were cutting 12,000 workers,
-       And U.S. Initial Jobless claims increased yet again.

Why is the Fed tapering when the economy is just barely limping along?  
Why is the Fed saying they will need to see more declining data to end tapering, when we've had gobs of this kind of data and they're explaining it away with ‘the weather’?

My only answer to these questions is either: a ‘global reset’ is coming, or the Fed will soon announce yet another program that will allow it to push more money into the economy.  Let’s explore the first one, because it’s the one that makes the most sense. 

The IMF World bank knows that there's too much debt in too many countries for it to ever be repaid.  Lately, global currency fluctuations have been so extreme and so rapid; it is often impossible to carry on continuous trade.  No matter where I look, the evidence suggests that something must be done.  I think there is a plan afoot to replace the U.S. dollar as the global reserve currency.  But more than that, plans are being made for a complete rebalancing of every country’s debts versus their ‘worth’ in natural resources, precious metals (gold and silver), output per capita, productivity, demographics, etc.  The following quotes are from ‘China Daily’:
-       “The World Bank's former chief economist wants to replace the US dollar with a single global super-currency, saying it will create a more stable global financial system.”
-       And Justin Yifu Lin told Bruegel (a Brussels-based, policy research think tank): "The dominance of the greenback is the root cause of global financial and economic crises,"

So the first thing to consider is that China is becoming very vocal about wanting to rid the world of U.S. supremacy.  This is no idle threat as China is scheduled to outpace the U.S. economically in just a few short years.  At that point, we will all need to respect the tremendous amount of gold and silver that China and other Asian nations have amassed.

In the not so distant future, there could be an announcement of a global currency reset where:
-       Debts will be discharged and equated to different values.
-       Countries will be valued and ranked based on real tangible assets.  The countries that are the richest (in real, tangible elements – not ‘fiat’ money) will carry more weight.  This ‘weighting’ explains why China has been ridding itself of dollars and buying up tangibles such as: gold, silver, oil, land, farms, buildings, and businesses.
-       SDR's (special drawing rights) will be constructed that will allow distribution of real assets between countries (in order to facilitate trade).
-       AND the U.S. dollar will no longer be the global reserve currency – the new SDR will.

This explains why the Fed started to taper in the first place, and answers why they continue to taper in light of all of the bad economic data.  If the wheels are in motion to launch this SDR – then there's no longer any reason to prop up a failed economy.  For the past 20 years, every time the economy has shown that it needed to contract and go through a healthy recession and regroup, the Fed has rushed to the rescue with tons of free money.  The single biggest example of this was during the 2008 meltdown.  When QE-1 ended and things got weak, the Fed came out with QE-2.  When QE-2 ended and things got weak, the Fed came in with ‘The Twist’.  When that expired, the Fed rushed in with QE-3.  But now, after all this printing, and with the economy still soggy – they are REMOVING the stimulus.  If the Fed doesn’t halt the tapering by this summer, then something MAJOR has changed, or they are going to announce another program that allows them to jam more money into the system.  

If/When we have a global currency reset, here are a couple thoughts:
-       What happens to our money?  Is the ‘old’ $100K now worth $200K or $50K?
-       What happens to prices, and the value of land, homes, and businesses?
-       What about interest rates? (Will they be higher to service all the debt?)
-       What about gold?  Will these new SDR's be backed by gold?  Indirectly yes.  The countries with the most gold (and other redeemable assets) will have their currencies carry a higher weighting in the composition of the SDR.  For the past 3 years, Gold has been manipulated lower to facilitate China getting rid of dollars and amassing gold.  When everyone is satisfied that the Chinese have the proper amount of gold that gives their currency the proper weight in the global SDR, then gold will no longer be manipulated lower.

The good news is that I believe we exit this ‘global currency reset’ with something better than what we have now.  The Fed must be tired of creating booms and saving us from the busts.  The world is telling us to stop spending more than we take in.  And we’re all tired of the U.S. Government pushing for more control over our lives.  Maybe, a good, old-fashioned economic shake-up will get people to focus on what the hell happened to our country, and how to get it back.  And that would be a breath of fresh air.

The Market:

After January’s long market plunge, the market has roared back within ‘spitting distance’ of it’s old highs.  So do we break through and make new highs, or do the old highs act as resistance and we fall back?

A couple weeks ago we suggested that the market would put in a big bounce, come up shy of the new highs, and roll back over.  We're now in the range of ‘coming up shy’.

Will I be surprised if they punch through the old highs?  Yes I will.  It is one thing for the banksters to want to keep the market running, but it’s very different for them to pull it off.  
While I will be surprised to see them punch us through those old highs, one thing that I constantly remind myself is that we’re living through some very odd times.  Times where all of the old rules are out the window.  Last week, CNBC reported how great our economy was doing, and that all we needed was just one more piece of BAD DATA and the Fed would cancel the taper.  One day, good news will again be good news, we just don’t know whether that will be tomorrow, or after we gain another 10,000 DOW points.

Did I profit by this bounce?  Absolutely.  But (at this instant) I have a fair amount of cash and am ready for a market pullback.  I think that this week the market’s run stalls.  We then do a bit of sideways up and down chop, and finally fade lower.  The other way that this could play out is:  (a) they push us up over the old highs, (b) which drag in the remaining ‘doubters’, and (c) as soon as everyone's all in – the rug-pull comes.  Only time will tell.

So, I’m feeling that it’s time to play defense until it’s clear that we've either broken over the highs forcefully, or have entered a period of fading.  I don't want to get caught on the wrong side.


I cashed out of Tesla (TSLA), FireEye (FEYE), Nividia (NVDA) and REGN last week – with gains of over 200%, 200%, 50% and 30% respectively.  It was a great week.  And in the entire portfolio, we’re up over 13% and it’s only mid-way thru February.

Currently, the S&P’s have broken over 1,826 and are sitting at 1,839. 
-       Gold and silver are UP.
-       The Stock markets are UP.
-       The Japanese Yen is UP.
-       Treasuries are UP.
-       Commodities are UP. 
-       In a nutshell – all of this is IMPOSSIBLE.  Treasures and the stock market should not both be UP together.  The Yen and the stock market should not both be UP together.  Gold and the stock market should not both be UP together. 

At this point, I still like the metals here as a hedge: Gold (GLD), Silver (SLV), and especially the physical metals.  Gold has gone over it’s moving average, and has appeared to put in a bottom, with silver following nicely.  I’m also playing the miners through NUGT (a 3X ETF) and SLW – both doing nicely.  FEYE, SSYS, PRLB and DDD are coming back to life.  I still like: BIIB, INCY, NFLX, with my favorite set-up being QIHU.

My current short-term holds are:
-       QIHU – in @ $91.20 - (currently $99.25)
-       NUGT – in @ $35.25 – (currently $50.29)
-       SLW – in @ $20.25 – (currently $25.38)
-       USO – in @ $34.51 - (currently $35.91)
-       FXY – in @ at $96.47 - (currently $95.93)
-       SIL – in at 24.51 - (currently 14.96) – no stop,
-       GLD (ETF for Gold) – in at 158.28, (currently 127.31) – no stop ($1,319 per physical ounce), AND
-       SLV (ETF for Silver) – in at 28.3 (currently 20.73) – no stop ($21.50 per physical ounce).

To follow me on Twitter and get my daily thoughts and trades – my handle is: taylorpamm. 

Please be safe out there!

I'd like to recommend a website - http://www.simpleroptions.com    It's an excellent resource and 'honestly' - I've been following them for over 6 months and they're more right than they are wrong with their predictions, and that's a rarity in this climate.  Please check them out on my recommendation.

Expressed thoughts proffered within the BARRONS REPORT, a Private and free weekly economic newsletter, are those of noted entrepreneur, professor and author, R.F. Culbertson, contributing sources and those he interviews.  You can learn more and get your free subscription by visiting: <http://rfcfinancialnews.blogspot.com> .

Please write to Mr. Culbertson at: <rfc@culbertsons.com> to inform him of any reproductions, including when and where copy will be reproduced. You may use in complete form or, if quoting in brief, reference <rfcfinancialnews.blogspot.com>.

If you'd like to view RF's actual stock trades - and see more of his thoughts - please feel free to sign up as a Twitter follower -  "taylorpamm" is the handle.

If you'd like to see RF in action - teaching people about investing - please feel free to view the TED talk that he gave on Fearless Investing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2Z9I_6ciH0

To unsubscribe please refer to the bottom of the email.

Views expressed are provided for information purposes only and should not be construed in any way as an offer, an endorsement, or inducement to invest and is not in any way a testimony of, or associated with Mr. Culbertson's other firms or associations.  Mr. Culbertson and related parties are not registered and licensed brokers.  This message may contain information that is confidential or privileged and is intended only for the individual or entity named above and does not constitute an offer for or advice about any alternative investment product. Such advice can only be made when accompanied by a prospectus or similar offering document.  Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please make sure to review important disclosures at the end of each article.

Note: Joining BARRONS REPORT is not an offering for any investment. It represents only the opinions of RF Culbertson and Associates.


Alternative investment performance can be volatile. An investor could lose all or a substantial amount of his or her investment. Often, alternative investment fund and account managers have total trading authority over their funds or accounts; the use of a single advisor applying generally similar trading programs could mean lack of diversification and, consequently, higher risk. There is often no secondary market for an investor's interest in alternative investments, and none is expected to develop.

All material presented herein is believed to be reliable but we cannot attest to its accuracy. Opinions expressed in these reports may change without prior notice. Culbertson and/or the staff may or may not have investments in any funds cited above.

Remember the Blog: <http://
Until next week – be safe.

R.F. Culbertson

Sunday, February 9, 2014

This Week in Barrons - 2-9-2014

This Week in Barrons – 2-9-2014

Daddy…Please make it stop!

For parents and young adults alike, at some point in your life you've either uttered or heard those words.  Maybe over a bruised knee, a bullying event, or something in your life (either financially or job-wise) that just doesn’t make sense.  I find myself uttering these words almost daily.  For example:
1.    This week the CBO (Congressional Budget Office) released their research concerning the effects of Obama-Care on the economy and on the job market.  They told us that Obama-Care will cost us over $1 Trillion, and over 2.3 Million people will exit the workforce because of it.  Given this was sold to us as creating 4+ Million jobs, lowering healthcare costs, and adding to the economy – this is leaving Democrats with some ‘egg on their face.’  But instead of being honest with us (and admitting that no one really knows) – the spin the Dems are putting on it ranges from:
a.    “The effect of having 2 million more people out of work could be a good thing on the work-life balance.”
b.    To:  “This is actually good news because people will finally have a choice.  If they didn't want to pay for their healthcare they could ‘choose’ to work less hours, and then have their benefits provided for them.”
c.     Please make it stop!  Honestly, most people don’t work because they want to – they work because they have to – in order to provide for their families.  So giving me a choice to NOT WORK in order to get free medical doesn’t make much sense to me.
d.    But leave it to Nancy Pelosi to trump everyone.  You remember Ms. Pelosi – she’s the one (when asked about the Obama-Care legislation) who said: “We have to pass it – to see what’s in it.”  (Someone should tell Ms. Pelosi that’s what we do with ‘stool samples’ not groundbreaking legislation.)  Ms. Pelosi said: “The CBO report is telling us that Obama-Care will allow people to follow their aspirations and become writers, be self-employed, and start their own businesses.  Obama-Care is entrepreneurial.  It won’t cost jobs, but rather shift how people make a living and allow them to reach their aspirations."
e.    Please make it stop!  Ms. Pelosi, in what universe are LESS jobs better than MORE jobs?  And given that over 50% of the country lives paycheck to paycheck, how does John Q. Public survive while he’s writing that Great American Novel?

2.    But it gets better.  This week, the Global Markets Committee (the group who sets the rules for futures trading) has invited JP Morgan’s Commodity Division head – Ms. Blythe Masters – to sit in and help craft regulations and legislation.  
a.    Now this is the same JP Morgan that was just fined $17 Billion for manipulating markets and basically screwing investors.
b.    This is the very same department within JP Morgan that – while being guided by Ms. Masters – was found guilty of manipulating energy prices throughout California.
c.     Please make it stop!  So, this group (in their ultimate wisdom, clarity and good judgment) has decided that Ms. Master is the perfect person to bring in and help craft the legal framework surrounding trading futures and swaps.  Do the words: ‘Fox in the Henhouse’ resonate with anyone on that committee?

3.    Finally, on Friday we received the Jobs Report, and of course it was every bit as lousy as the one we received in December.  It’s getting to the point now that even the cheerleading, ‘talking heads’ on TV don’t believe that this economy is firing on all cylinders.  But this time was different.  They blamed - ‘The Weather’.  Yes, somehow the weather is the reason that companies (across the U.S.) are not hiring workers.
a.    But adding insult to injury, on Monday, we received the ISM (suppliers and manufacturers) Report.  I don’t think it could have been any worse.
                                               i.     The overall survey ‘outlook’ fell 8.6% from 55.8 to 51.
                                             ii.     New orders fell 20% from 64 to 51 (the biggest drop since 1980).
                                            iii.     The ‘Prices Paid’ portion of the index jumped 13% from 53.5 to 60.5.
                                            iv.     So we have LESS activity that people see coming down the pike, there are LESS current orders, and we’re paying A LOT MORE for the stuff that we’re ordering.  All of this doesn’t add up to a well-run economy.
b.    Please make it stop!  I get the fact that: our economy is on the ropes, the Fed is tapering, our regulating bodies are hiring crooks to form policy, the jobs data is horrible, our trade data is lousy, the Baltic Dry index continues to crash, our cities are bankrupt, the amount of people not in the workforce is almost 1/3 of the population, food stamps – welfare – unemployment and the other government-backed systems are overwhelmed; BUT do we now need to resort to blaming this all on: ‘The Weather’.

I'm not in the panic business.  I'm not in the shock-n-awe business.  I'm in the reality business.  I see long stretches of sub-par economic activity that are going to lead to additional stress on both people and governments.  While I refuse to allow the entire “Mad-Max’ scenario to play out in my mind, I'm not against the idea of serious, recession-era scenarios playing out.   

Please make it stop!  Don't be afraid to enjoy your life, but don't go broke either.  Get yourself some gold and silver – because it’s how you come out the other side that’s really important.

The Market:

By mid-week, it became clear that we were overdue for a market bounce.  Even in these most desperate of times, the market cannot go straight down.  So, on Twitter I started to suggest that whether the jobs report was good or not, I'd probably see the start of a market bounce.

The excuses for both the poor jobs report and the two-day market bounce were really something special to listen to.  
a.    We learned from economist Mark Zandi that "This low jobs number would eventually be revised higher, and that in the long run it shows increased job growth".  Interestingly, Mr. Zandi said the same thing when the December job’s report hit.  The December job’s report was revised higher (by 1,000 jobs) from 74,000 to 75,000 jobs.  Given Mr. Zandi forecast job growth of 175,000 jobs (not 74,000) – I don’t think that this was the revision that Mr. Zandi was fantasizing about.
b.    Again, we learned from a dozen of the ‘talking heads’ that ‘The Weather’ was the reason for poor hiring, and the two-day market romp was due to earnings and economic data still ‘suggestive of a sustained recovery.’   
c.     Please make it stop!  I have a much simpler explanation.  Companies didn’t hire because they didn’t need anyone.  And the market bounced because it was ‘short-term’ oversold, and everyone is hoping that the data is so bad that the Fed will stop it’s tapering.

Five years after the start of this so-called recovery, I’m still seeing some pretty incredible things:
-       From food stamps to people living paycheck to paycheck,
-       From unemployed over a year to leaving the workforce completely,
-       From wages stagnating for over 10 years to inflation eating thru everyone’s buying power, and
-       From over 1 in 4 young adults now living at home to 1 in 5 getting ‘something’ from Uncle Sam. 

The stock market went from 6,600 to 16,000 on the DOW for one reason – the Fed printing over $1 Trillion per year!

Ms. Janet Yellen (our new Fed head) is scheduled to address Congress on Tuesday.  Everyone there will be pressing to see if she's going to: (a) continue tapering, (b) stop tapering, or (c) stop tapering and replace the ‘taper’ with another program.  The way this ‘should’ play out is:
-       Monday we should hold the gains of Thursday and Friday.
-       Tuesday, if Ms. Yellen holds the solid line and doesn't hint at all about stopping the taper, we will roll right back over.
-       Tuesday, if Ms. Yellen purchased Alan Greenspan's “How to speak to Congress” manual, and leaves them with the impression that she could possibly end the taper – the market could gain some more.
-       Tuesday, if Ms. Yellen makes a rookie mistake and mentions that she'd be willing to reverse the taper if things don't improve – then we'll be back to the all-time highs in short order.

From here on out, it's all about the Fed.  Continuing to taper with no hint of stopping and we'll see new lows.  Stopping the taper and we levitate.  Reversing the taper, and we see DOW 18,000.


I’m in a wait and see position until the S&P’s get above 1,825.
-       I still like the metals here as a hedge = Gold (GLD) and Silver (SLV).
-       I like any group of stocks that can remain positive in a down market – and that group includes the Bio-Techs: GILD, INCY, CELG, REGN, and BIIB.
-       I like 4 stocks in particular: NFLX, FEYE, QIHU and TSLA.  NetFlix is a communications company; FireEye (FEYE) and QIHU are both in the cyber-security space, while Tesla (TSLA) is the electric carmaker that wants to continue moving higher.  Now be careful – because FEYE has earnings on February 11th.  Tesla has earnings on February 19th (and could provide a nice earnings run up until that date). 

My current short-term holds are:
-       FEYE – March ’14 $50 Calls – in @ $11.50 (currently $19.40)
-       TSLA – Feb ’14 $165 Calls – in @ $12.47 (currently $21.42)
-       QIHU – March ’14 $110 Calls – in @ $5.93 (currently $4.69)
-       USO – April ’14 $37 Calls – in @ at $34.51 (currently $35.70)
-       FXY – March ‘14 $97 Puts – in @ at $96.47 (currently $95.43)
-       SIL – in at 24.51 (currently 12.78) – no stop,
-       GLD (ETF for Gold) – in at 158.28, (currently 122.16) – no stop ($1,267 per physical ounce), AND
-       SLV (ETF for Silver) – in at 28.3 (currently 19.29) – no stop ($20.00 per physical ounce).

To follow me on Twitter and get my daily thoughts and trades – my handle is: taylorpamm. 

Please be safe out there!

I'd like to recommend a website - http://www.simpleroptions.com    It's an excellent resource and 'honestly' - I've been following them for over 6 months and they're more right than they are wrong with their predictions, and that's a rarity in this climate.  Please check them out on my recommendation.

Expressed thoughts proffered within the BARRONS REPORT, a Private and free weekly economic newsletter, are those of noted entrepreneur, professor and author, R.F. Culbertson, contributing sources and those he interviews.  You can learn more and get your free subscription by visiting: <http://rfcfinancialnews.blogspot.com> .

Please write to Mr. Culbertson at: <rfc@culbertsons.com> to inform him of any reproductions, including when and where copy will be reproduced. You may use in complete form or, if quoting in brief, reference <rfcfinancialnews.blogspot.com>.

If you'd like to view RF's actual stock trades - and see more of his thoughts - please feel free to sign up as a Twitter follower -  "taylorpamm" is the handle.

If you'd like to see RF in action - teaching people about investing - please feel free to view the TED talk that he gave on Fearless Investing: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=K2Z9I_6ciH0

To unsubscribe please refer to the bottom of the email.

Views expressed are provided for information purposes only and should not be construed in any way as an offer, an endorsement, or inducement to invest and is not in any way a testimony of, or associated with Mr. Culbertson's other firms or associations.  Mr. Culbertson and related parties are not registered and licensed brokers.  This message may contain information that is confidential or privileged and is intended only for the individual or entity named above and does not constitute an offer for or advice about any alternative investment product. Such advice can only be made when accompanied by a prospectus or similar offering document.  Past performance is not indicative of future performance. Please make sure to review important disclosures at the end of each article.

Note: Joining BARRONS REPORT is not an offering for any investment. It represents only the opinions of RF Culbertson and Associates.


Alternative investment performance can be volatile. An investor could lose all or a substantial amount of his or her investment. Often, alternative investment fund and account managers have total trading authority over their funds or accounts; the use of a single advisor applying generally similar trading programs could mean lack of diversification and, consequently, higher risk. There is often no secondary market for an investor's interest in alternative investments, and none is expected to develop.

All material presented herein is believed to be reliable but we cannot attest to its accuracy. Opinions expressed in these reports may change without prior notice. Culbertson and/or the staff may or may not have investments in any funds cited above.

Remember the Blog: <http://
Until next week – be safe.

R.F. Culbertson